In-house Training &
Boarding School
Crate training
We as breeders feel crate training is essential. It creates a safe space for your pup, where they can retreat and be left alone, away from stress and noise to sleep or just to chill. The crate is not a cage or a jail as perceived by many anti-craters, but a place which protects your pup from the world and the World from your pup! Crate training with your pup will start around 3 weeks of age. By the time puppy comes home to you, they will be familiar with “Brahms Lullaby” and the music cue that it provides prior to being placed in the crate for a short duration. At 8 weeks they will be able to be in a crate for 4 hours. During the first week you will still need to get up one time to toilet your pup. By 9 weeks they should be able to sleep through for 8 hours.
House training
I cannot promise you that there will be no puddles or piles from your pup once it comes home with you, but we will have tried hard to get them on the straight and narrow to being clean and dry in the house. By the way, to be fair, most “accidents” happen when we have taken our eye of the ball and too much time has passed since the last potty break. Never chastise. Make it a non-event. Praise the successful potty break outside. This too will pass!
Leash training
We will have begun some element of on-leash training with all of the pups. This is not formal, but we want to make the experience of walking restrained on leash a pleasurable experience and not an experience to fear. We encourage you to continue this with either a collar or harness (and lots of treats!) Whether you choose to take part in OUR training programme or not is up to you. What we do know is that by training, setting boundaries and limitations with consequences, (just as with children!) shapes a young dog into a well rounded dog to be proud of.
Obedience Training
If you seek a higher level of obedience, skills and life experiences for your new pup, we can recommend trainers in your area. At Doodle Tree Farm, your pup will come to you at around 8 weeks and will already have had some 1:1 training.
If you choose to do a Board and Train Program, we do recommend a local trainer called Shane Doucette. His company Island Canine Care is in Duncan and we comes highly recommended. He also has Day Care and Boarding facilities.
For the Vancouver area Heather Millard is awesome and her company is Millard Canine.
Most Training cannot commence until the pups have had their 12 week shots. If you are not able to take your pup at 8 weeks and need the extra support, we are able to board your pup here, until puppy is 12 weeks and vaccinate puppy for you. Your pup will be supported by our own pack and we treat them as one of our own :) We charge $35.00 per night and vaccination expenses. During this period of time we will introduce them to first stage obedience, sit, down, come, recall and leash training.